
Handlers provide a simple interface to load-balance many concurrent Agent sessions across one or more SecretAgent Cores.

import { Handler } from 'secret-agent';

(async () => {
  const handler = new Handler();

  const agent = handler.createAgent();
  await agent.goto('https://ulixee.org');

  async function getDatasetCost(agent: Agent) {
    const dataset = agent.input;
    await agent.goto(`https://ulixee.org${dataset.href}`);
    const cost = agent.document.querySelector('.cost .large-text');
    agent.output.cost = await cost.textContent;

  const links = await agent.document.querySelectorAll('a.DatasetSummary');
  for (const link of links) {
    const name = await link.querySelector('.title').textContent;
    const href = await link.getAttribute('href');
    handler.dispatchAgent(getDatasetCost, {
      input: {

  const results = await handler.waitForAllDispatches(); 
  for (const result of results) {
    const cost = result.output.cost;
    const name = result.input.name;
    console.log('Cost of %s is %s', name, cost);
  await handler.close();

Handlers allow you to queue up actions to take as Agents become available. They'll automatically round-robin between available connections. It's a simple way to complete all your scrapes without overloading the local machine or remote browsers.


new Handler(...connections)

The Handler constructor takes one or more "connections" to SecretAgent Core instances.

Cores can be located remotely or in the same process. A remote connection includes a "host" parameter that will be connected to via tcp (and needs to be open on any firewalls).

Every connection controls how many maximum concurrent Agents should be open at any given time. Requests for Agents will be round-robined between all connections.


Connections can be either:

  • options object. A set of settings that controls the creation of a connection to a SecretAgent Core.
    • host string. An optional hostname:port url that will be used to establish a connection to a SecretAgent Core running on another machine. If no host is provided, a connection to a "locally" running Core will be attempted.
    • maxConcurrency number. The max number of Agents to allow to be dispatched and created at the same time. Agents are "active" until the dispatchAgent callback is complete, or the created Agent is closed. If not provided, this number will match the max allowed by a Core.
    • agentTimeoutMillis number. The number of milliseconds to give each Agent in this connection to complete a session. A TimeoutError will be thrown if this time is exceeded.
    • localProxyPortStart number defaults to any open port. Starting internal port to use for the mitm proxy.
    • sessionsDir string defaults to os.tmpdir()/.secret-agent. Directory to store session files and mitm certificates.
    • replayServerPort number. Port to start a live replay server on. Defaults to "any open port".
  • connectionToCore ConnectionToCore. A pre-initialized connection to a SecretAgent Core. You can use this option to pre-check your connection to a remote connection, or to provide customization to the connection.
const { Handler } = require('secret-agent');

(async () => {
  const remote = new RemoteConnectionToCore({
    host: '',
  await remote.connect();

  const handler = new Handler(remote1, {
    host: '',
    maxConcurrency: 5,

  const agent = await handler.createAgent();



Readonly property returning the resolved list of coreHosts.

Returns: Promise<string[]>


Sets default properties to apply to any new Agent created. Accepts any of the configurations that can be provided to createAgent().

Returns: IAgentCreateOptions

See the Configuration page for more details on options and its defaults. You may also want to explore BrowserEmulators and HumanEmulators.

Type: Tab


handler.addConnectionToCore(options | connectionToCore)

Adds a connection to the handler. This method will call connect on the underlying connection.

Connection arguments are the same as the constructor arguments for a single connection.


Can be either:

  • options object. A set of settings that controls the creation of a connection to a SecretAgent Core. (see constructor)
  • connectionToCore ConnectionToCore. A pre-initialized connection to a SecretAgent Core.

Returns: Promise<void>


Closes and disconnects a connection from core. Agents "in-process" will throw DisconnectedFromCoreError on active commands.


  • coreHost string. The coreHost connection.

Returns: Promise<void>


Closes all underlying connections. NOTE: this function will "abort" any pending processes. You might want to call waitForAllDispatches() first.

Returns: Promise


Creates a new Agent using one of the Core connections initialized in this Handler. If there are no connections with availability (based on maxConcurrency setting), the returned promise will not return until one is free.

NOTE: when using this method, you must call agent.close() explicitly to allow future Agents to be dispatched or created as needed.


  • options object. Accepts any of the following:
    • name string. This is used to generate a unique sessionName.
    • browserEmulatorId string defaults to default-browser-emulator. Chooses the BrowserEmulator plugin which emulates the properties that help SecretAgent look like a normal browser.
    • humanEmulatorId string defaults to default-human-emulator. Chooses the HumanEmulator plugin which drives the mouse/keyboard movements.
    • timezoneId string. Overrides the host timezone. A list of valid ids are available at unicode.org
    • locale string. Overrides the host languages settings (eg, en-US). Locale will affect navigator.language value, Accept-Language request header value as well as number and date formatting rules.
    • viewport IViewport. Sets the emulated screen size, window position in the screen, inner/outer width and height. If not provided, the most popular resolution is used from statcounter.com.
    • blockedResourceTypes BlockedResourceType[]. Controls browser resource loading. Valid options are listed here.
    • userProfile IUserProfile. Previous user's cookies, session, etc.
    • showReplay boolean. Whether or not to show the Replay UI. Can also be set with an env variable: SA_SHOW_REPLAY=true.
    • input object. An object containing properties to attach to the agent (more frequently used with dispatchAgent)
    • upstreamProxyUrl string. A socks5 or http proxy url (and optional auth) to use for all HTTP requests in this session. The optional "auth" should be included in the UserInfo section of the url, eg: http://username:password@proxy.com:80.
    • upstreamProxyIpMask object. Optional settings to mask the Public IP Address of a host machine when using a proxy. This is used by the default BrowserEmulator to mask WebRTC IPs.
      • ipLookupService string. The URL of an http based IpLookupService. A list of common options can be found in plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/lookupPublicIp.ts. Defaults to ipify.org.
      • proxyIp string. The optional IP address of your proxy, if known ahead of time.
      • publicIp string. The optional IP address of your host machine, if known ahead of time.

See the Configuration page for more details on options and its defaults. You may also want to explore BrowserEmulators and HumanEmulators.

Returns: Promise<Agent>

const { Handler } = require('secret-agent');

(async () => {
  const handler = new Handler({ maxConcurrency: 2 });

  const agent1 = await handler.createAgent();
  const agent2 = await handler.createAgent();

  setTimeout(() => agent2.close(), 100);

  // will be available in 100 ms when agent2 closes
  const agent3 = await handler.createAgent();

handler.dispatchAgent(callbackFn, createAgentOptions?)

This method allows you queue up functions that should be called as soon as a connection can allocate a new Agent. All configurations available to createAgent are available here.

NOTE: you do not need to call close on an Agent when using this method. It will automatically be called when your callback returns.

On Disconnecting: if a Core is shut-down or the handler closes a coreConnection while work is still in-progress, the agent commands will throw a DisconnectedFromCoreError.


  • callbackFn (agent) => Promise. An asynchronous function that will be passed an initialized Agent with the given createAgentOptions configuration.
  • createAgentOptions object. Options used to create a new agent. Takes all options available to createAgent().

Returns: void

const { Handler } = require('secret-agent');

(async () => {
  const handler = new Handler({ maxConcurrency: 2 });

    async agent => {
      const { url } = agent.input;
      await agent.goto(url);
      const links = await agent.document.querySelectorAll('a');
      for (const link of links) {
        const href = await link.getAttribute('href');
          async agent0 => {
            await agent0.goto(agent0.input.link);
            const body = await agent0.document.body.textContent;
          { input: { href } },
      // send in data
    { input: { url: 'https://dataliberationfoundation.org' } },

  // resolves when all dispatched agents are completed or an error occurs
  await handler.waitForAllDispatches();
  await handler.close();


Waits for all agents which have been created using dispatchAgent to complete. If any errors are thrown by Agents, the first exception will be thrown upon awaiting this method.

Returns: Promise<DispatchResult[]>

  • DispatchResult
    • sessionId string key. The session id assigned to the dispatched Agent.
    • name string. The name assigned to this session.
    • input any. Any input arguments passed to the dispatched Agent.
    • output any?. The object set to agent.output if no error thrown.
    • error Error?. An error if one has been thrown during dispatch.
    • options CreateAgentOptions. Any arguments passed to the dispatched Agent.


Waits for all agents which have been created using dispatchAgent to complete or throw an error. This method will always wait for all dispatches to finish, regardless of errors thrown. This is different from waitForAllDispatches, which will throw on any dispatch errors.

Returns: Promise<DispatchResult[]>

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