
Installation Errors or ENOENT

SecretAgent operates with a few different spawned processes:

Socket Connect

Each socket created by the browser is proxied through a Go process that emulates the TLS signatures of the headed version of the browser engine being used. A small library is placed in node_modules/@secret-agent/mitm-socket/dist during installation. If this is unsuccessful, or aborts, you will see errors.

You can remove the library and reinstall or rebuild manually using npm run build in the @secret-agent/mitm-socket directory with environmental variable: SA_REBUILD_MITM_SOCKET=true.

Browser Emulators

When you install SecretAgent, it also downloads a recent version of Chrome 83 (~277MB Mac, ~282MB Linux, ~280MB Win). Each BrowserEmulator you install (ie, Chrome80, Safari13) can install additional browser engines as needed.

Browsers will be saved to a shared location on each OS. Each browser version will be downloaded only once and can be shared across multiple SecretAgent npm installations.

  • Mac: ~/Library/Cache/
  • Linux: ~/.cache (environment variable XDG_CACHE_HOME)
  • Windows: ~/AppData/Local (environment variable LOCALAPPDATA)


SecretAgent also installs an app called Replay to debug and troubleshoot sessions. Replay is ~200MB unpacked. To skip download (ie, in a production environment), you can set the following environmental variable: SA_REPLAY_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD=true.

If you continue to have problems, let us know.

Debugging Logs

By default, SecretAgent logs everything to a Session database that is created per Agent instance. The SessionLogs table contains all debug logs.

To output logs to the console during operation, you can set the environmental variable DEBUG=true.

process.env.DEBUG = true;
import agent from 'secret-agent';

(async () => {
  await agent.goto('');

If you'd like to customize log output, you can inject your own logger so long as it supports four methods:

  • stats(action: string, data?: ILogData)
  • info(action: string, data?: ILogData)
  • warn(action: string, data?: ILogData)
  • error(action: string, data?: ILogData)

For example:

const debug = require('debug')('MySecretAgent');
const Logger = require('@secret-agent/commons/Logger')

  stats(action, data) {
    debug(`STATS ${action}`, data);
  info(action, data) {
    debug(`INFO ${action}`, data);
  warn(action, data) {
    debug(`WARN ${action}`, data);
  error(action, data) {
    debug(`ERROR ${action}`, data);

Problems after an upgrade

If you have problems after upgrading, let us know.

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